Halton Hills, Ontario
Water Supply, Storage, & Distribution
Halton Region determined as part of the Sustainable Halton Water and Wastewater Master Plan, that a new feedermain was required to supply water to the Zone 4 Reservoir near Halton Hills Fifth Side Road and Halton Hills.
The feedermain will ultimately serve pump stations at the reservoir site, which will feed south Georgetown Zone 6 and the Steeles Avenue corridor Zone 5.
Associated Engineering was retained by the Region to complete the preliminary design, detailed design and contract tender preparation for new feedermains, which consist of:
- Approximately 3100 m of 1200 mm diameter feedermain, 7050 m of twinned 900 mm diameter feedermain along Trafalgar Road from the southeast corner of the Britannia Road intersection to approximately 650 m north of the Halton Hills Fifth Side road; and
- Approximately 2760 m of 900 mm diameter feedermain on Derry Road from Trafalgar Road to Milton Fifth Line.
- A new trunk sanitary sewer is also being designed in general conformance with the EA Study report findings and recommendations.
Halton Region
Project Highlights
open cut installation
trenchless installation
The design allows the exiting water infrastructure to remain in operation while the Zone 4 Reservoir and connections to the new feedermain infrastructure are made. The final design includes 13650 m of open cut installation and 6300 m of trenchless installation, including four local branch connections for future works. As well, AE completed a water model and transient analysis for the proposed feedermains. Trenchless works include Microtunnelling, Earth Pressure Balance, Conventional TBM and Auger boring techniques.
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