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Tłı̨chǫ All-Season Road – Financial Advisory Services


Yellowknife, NWT




The Tłı̨chǫ All-Season Road P3 project and consists of the design, finance, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation (DBFOM) of a 97 kilometre, all-season gravel highway.

Associated Engineering assisted in the procurement of services by providing advisory and technical input into the development of Phase 1 – Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Phase 2 – Request for Proposal (RFP).

Phase 1 – Request for Qualifications:

  • Provided input in the development of the RFQ and evaluation criteria, weighting criteria, scoring sheets, and evaluation training
  • Participated in Industry Day in Yellowknife
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Project Highlights

Phase 2 – Request for Proposal:

  • Provided technical input in to the development of RFP technical submission and evaluation criteria, and process for Collaborative Meetings
  • Assisted in the development of the output specifications and technical documents as part of the RFP and Project Agreement
  • Assisted with the preparation of clarifications and addendums
  • Participated in the Collaborative Meetings with proponent teams
  • Assisted in response to Requests for Information from proponents
  • Provided individual review and assessment of technical proposals
  • Participated in consensus review with other committee members
  • Established a detailed list of technical irregularities for the Proponent’s technical proposals


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