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Scott Street Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades


Toronto, Ontario


Building Mechanical

Electrical Instrumentation & Controls

Pump Stations

Wastewater Collection & Storage

Located underground in downtown Toronto, the Scott Street Sewage Pumping Station has been an integral part of the city’s wastewater collection system.

The City of Toronto has a 20-year plan to replace the century-old pump station with a deep gravity relief sewer. Meanwhile, the city needed to increase the station’s capacity to accommodate population growth in the service area due to extensive redevelopment and condominium construction.

The City of Toronto’s upgrade of its 100-year old Scott Street Sewage Pumping Station provides capacity for future growth and increases system reliability. As Prime Consultant, Associated Engineering developed a novel design to refurbish the pump station, saving the city millions of dollars over the original replacement option. In a constrained and high traffic area in downtown Toronto, careful planning, proactive communication and project management minimized impact on businesses, traffic, and the public during construction.

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City of Toronto


Consulting Engineers of Ontario, Award of Excellence

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