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Quinto Mine Preliminary and Detailed Site Investigations


Lumby, British Columbia


Contaminated Sites Management


Quinto Mining Corporation engaged Associated Environmental to complete a Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) and Limited Stage 2 Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) at a former mine site.

Both investigations were carried out in a manner consistent with the Canadian Standards Association methods, and followed protocols of the BC Environmental Management Act.

Methods used to evaluate the level of environmental risk at the site included:

  • Review of historical documents, included previous reports relevant to the site
  • Examination of aerial photographs of the site and surrounding areas from UBC Geographical Information Centre Collection and Google Earth
  • Interviews to determine current and past uses of the site
  • Searches of relevant B.C. Ministry of Environment databases, including the Water Resources Atlas, the Site Registry Database, and the Environmental Violations Database
  • A site inspection
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Project Highlights

The DSI used soil quality results from past investigation and reclamation works, as well as soil test pits from former tailings ponds to compare to relevant Provincial Contaminated Sites standards for Parkland and Agricultural land. The investigation was completed to determine whether the site met with provincial regulations for the potential development of the site.

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