Kamloops, British Columbia
Environmental Assessment
Contaminated Sites Management
Associated Environmental was retained by Saults & Pollard Real Estate, on behalf of the B.C. Lottery Corporation, to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at a former printing production plant.
The study was conducted for environmental diligence and financing purposes, as required for potential acquisition of the property and business. To evaluate the level of environmental risk associated with the site, we employed a variety of methods.
The project team reviewed historical documentation on the property, current information provided by the owner, and records obtained from the City of Kamloops. Historical and most current aerial photographs were obtained and examined, and ground photographs of the subject site and surrounding areas were taken. We conducted interviews for anecdotal accounts and historical information, and also completed a search of the B.C. Ministry of Environment’s Contaminated Sites Registry database. Historical land title records were obtained to determine property ownership since the Crown held title in the late 1800s.
Based on the Phase I ESA findings and our conclusions and recommendations, the property was acquired successfully.

Saults & Pollard Real Estate B.C. Lottery Corporation

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