Saanich, British Columbia
Land Use & Community Planning
Transportation Planning
Nigel Valley is a 3.66-hectare portion of a semi-urban area located in the District of Saanich (Saanich).
The site originally comprised of twelve individual properties owned and occupied by number of health-care institutions, as well as supportive residential and non-market residential uses. The area underwent a rezoning process through the Nigel Valley Neighbourhood Plan which proposed to re-develop the area, lead by BC Housing and involving the property owners and organizations operating on site. As part of the re-development, the public spaces and civil infrastructure within this neighbourhood also required re-development and significant upgrading. Associated Engineering was retained by BC Housing, through D’Ambrosio Architecture and Urbanism to lead this effort.
- The Nigel Valley Public Spaces (NVPS) project was divided into multiple phases, with Phase 1 being the largest and most complex. After an extensive review and approvals process with Saanich, construction began on NVPS Phase 1 in February on a $5 million contract. It is currently nearing completion. Some of the unique aspects and challenges on this project include:
- The Nigel Valley area was previously swampland and poor geotechnical conditions included deep layers of peat underlain by compressive clays. This required the use of more than 1,000 cubic metres of EPS geofoam under municipal roadways, sidewalks and boulevards to prevent future settlement and damage to roads, sidewalks and underground utilities. Preloading was also used where possible.
- Lane closure of a provincial highway (HWY 17) to provide a bike lane, wider sidewalks and bioswale (to be maintained by Saanich).
- New pedestrian controlled mid-block traffic signal and crosswalk on Highway 17 and development of new, pedestrian focussed streetscape and road cross section for Nigel Avenue and Nigel Gate.
- New bus stop island incorporating the bike lane and stainless steel tactile warning markers (excellent for retrofitting in existing concrete)

BC Housing

Project Highlights
More Streetscaping Projects
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Greens on Gardiner

Vanalman Avenue Upgrades

Landscape Architecture
Goldstream Avenue Upgrade

Land Development
Royal Bay Subdivision

Langford Cultural District

Highway 7 Haney Bypass Intersection Improvements

Land Development
Blackwolf Community Development

Broadway Street Improvements

Land Development
Lethbridge Crossings Development

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Jasper Avenue New Vision Streetscaping
