Carmacks, Yukon
Remediation and Reclamation
The Mount Nansen Mine Site is a former gold and silver mine and is now abandoned. It is currently under the care of Yukon Government. The site is located 60 km west of the Village of Carmacks, Yukon and approximately 180 km northwest of Whitehorse. The site includes underground workings, an open pit, tailings facility, mill/generators/workshop complex, cookhouse and bunkhouse building, a well building and pump house, and other miscellaneous infrastructure and utilities.
Associated was responsible for the contaminated soils and hazardous materials assessment, and reclamation and creek restoration sections of the design plan. The fieldwork required geophysical surveying, soil sampling (by grab sample or using a sonic drill or a backhoe) and a hazardous materials inventory. Over 200 soil samples were collected and classified. Approximately 40 of those were analyzed for approximately 50 contaminants of concern. From this information, the project team identified and quantified contaminated soils and those containing special wastes. We formed a plan on how the material is to be treated to meet the client’s closure goals, as well as requirements through YESAB and the Regulators.

Yukon Government

Project Highlights
Soil samples
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