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Mooney Forest Service Road


Hixon, British Columbia




Associated Engineering served as road and bridge design subconsultant for the upgrading of almost 21 kilometres of an existing forest service road owned by the Ministry of Forests and Range, Prince George District.

The existing road was narrow and only suitable for vehicles travelling at low speeds.  Due to poor drainage, the road could only be used during the winter, when frozen.  Associated Engineering’s design task was to widen the road to 8 metres, increase the design speed to 50 km/h, and provide a drainage system that dispersed the storm water away from the road while preventing sediment from entering the natural water courses.  The design had to address the possibility of hauling in both directions.

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Project Highlights

The road crossed eight drainage courses that required major structures ranging in span from 10 metres to 20 metres.  The preliminary design for these bridges referenced drawings from the Ministry of Forests and Range Bridge Design Manual. The work included compilation of the raw survey data, detailed horizontal and vertical design, drainage design, and the calculation of quantities for mass haul.  The road drawings were completed to the Ministry of Forests and Ranges’ standards and included setting out details for the centreline and slope stakes.

On completion of the design, Associated Engineering prepared specifications and quantities for the road and bridge construction contracts.  Construction of the new road was phased over three years and was completed in 2004.


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