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Misericordia Community Hospital Electrical Upgrades


Edmonton, Alberta



Building Mechanical

Electrical Instrumentation & Controls

The Misericordia Community Hospital is an acute care hospital located in west Edmonton and is serviced through a 15kV substation that feeds two 600V substations and one 4160V substation.

The equipment was aging and needed to be replaced to provide another 30 years of reliable service.

The work included upgrading the normal power system and emergency power system, including replacement of the emergency power generator sets with three new generators. A new main electrical room, which will replace existing substations. The system design incorporates tie break devices to minimize interruptions to the site during maintenance procedures. Utmost attention was given to ensuring that disruptions to the site were minimized during construction, and in the future during maintenance routines.

Alberta Health Services engaged Associated Engineering to provide the preliminary design, detailed design, tendering support, and construction services for the project. Detailed topographical surveying of the site was provided by our in‑house survey team.

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