Edmonton, Alberta
Building Structures
Manitoba Hydro started construction of the Keeyask infrastructure project, The Keeyask Generating Station will be a source of renewable energy, providing approximately 695 megawatts, and it is located 725 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg.
The remote location of the site required a worker camp to be constructed to house workers on rotational shifts throughout the duration of the dam and generating plant’s construction. The initial phase of the main camp was built to house approximately 500 workers, but was then expanded to house 2,000 workers. It will remain operational until the construction of the Keeyask Generating Station is complete.

Project Highlights
Associated Engineering provided third-party inspection services for the camp modules, during the factory fabrication process. The camp was designed and built using modular construction methods, with the module units being built in fabrication facilities in Penticton, BC, Agassiz, BC and Edmonton, AB.
More than 350 modules were inspected at the fabrication locations throughout the 2½ year fabrication period. Inspections were done to ensure compliance with the contract documents and for overall fabrication quality. Inspections were conducted for a minimum of 2 days per week, at each location, over the duration of the fabrication. Due to the remote location of the camp, northern Manitoba, repair costs were high, so defects identified during fabrication could quickly and easily be corrected, in a cost-effective manner, prior to the units being shipped to site.
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