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Kitsault Mine Access Road and Bridge Assessments


Alice Arm, British Columbia



Asset Management


Bridge Asset Management & Inspection


Transportation Planning


Water Resources

Avanti Mining Inc. was in the early stage of developing their core asset, the Kitsault Molybdenum Mine, that is thought to sit on one of the highest-grade molybdenum deposits worldwide.

This formerly producing mine has established power, utility, road and ocean access infrastructure that needed to be assessed for its ability to transport construction and mining equipment to the site.

Associated Engineering carried out road assessments on the Nass-FSR, Nass-Kinskuch, Nass-Kwinitahl and the Alice Arm Roads. In addition, our team conducted bridge and culvert assessments along the entire mine access route. Our assessment of the mine access route considered road user safety, road surface conditions geometry (horizontal and vertical alignment), existing gradients, roadway drainage, and bridges and culverts.

From the assessments, we recommended road and bridge upgrades that would improve the road suitability for mine-related traffic.  We also suggested regular maintenance and operational protocols that would keep the road in a safe and driveable condition.

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Avanti Mining Inc.

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