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Irrigation Sustainability and Water Balance Seepage Assessment Study


White City, Saskatchewan



Containment Systems

Environmental Engineering


Wastewater Collection & Storage

Wastewater Treatment / Water Resource Recovery

The White City / Emerald Park Wastewater Management Authority commissioned Associated Engineering to complete a Sewage Works Sustainability Assessment Report.

Apart from serving as a document to meet the requirements of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, the report was also part of a program to expand capacity for the treatment of wastewater and disposal of treated effluent for the growing communities of White City and Emerald Park. White City’s existing wastewater treatment and disposal practices included lagoon treatment with disposal by effluent irrigation at a nearby field seeded to alfalfa.

The study included analysis of historical wastewater flows, water quality data, soil quality data, crop records and a water balance at the lagoons. Historical and new borehole logs were analyzed to confirm or negate the presence of the sensitive Condie Aquifer at the site of the lagoons.

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Project Highlights

With the protection of public health and the environment in mind, Associated Engineering recommended the following:

  • The White City wastewater treatment lagoons be lined with a 600 mm clay liner as per the directive from Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment.
  • White City and Emerald Park wastewater flows be monitored to improve the accuracy of flow estimates for future years.
  • Irrigable land be purchased by the Authority to accept additional future effluent loads.
  • Soils continue to be monitored at the effluent irrigation site and any future effluent irrigation site. A leaching factor of 15% be maintained at the existing irrigation site.
  • The White City lagoon is to be considered not to be constructed over the Condie Aquifer.
  • The existing White City primary and secondary lagoon cells are to be considered sustainable once the integrity of the liner system is restored with the installation of a 600 mm clay liner.


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