Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Traffic Engineering
Transportation Planning
In 2016, as part of its master plan to transform the downtown and its physical and perceptual connection to adjacent west-side neighbourhoods, the City of Saskatoon embarked on a 12-month initiative – Imagine Idylwyld – to “improve the function, safety, connectivity and quality of the roadway and public realm along Idylwyld Drive, between 20th Street and 25th Street”.
Associated Engineering was responsible for the transportation engineering component, including traffic analysis, design, and estimating.
Given the prominence of Idylwyld, the project included three invitational stakeholder consultations, two online surveys and two public events to collection information. We used advanced traffic analysis and modelling to create a transportation design paradigm. PTV Vistro software (for intersection-level analysis) and PTV VISSIM traffic model simulation, animation fly-through software easily enabled the team to visualize, present, analyze and discuss multiple scenarios, rather than the traditional three or four alternatives.
City of Saskatoon
Project Highlights
The preferred solution removes a driving lane to accommodate a protected cycle path and wider sidewalks. The innovative plan cleverly uses less street space to improve traffic flow and conditions for all stakeholders and achieves the City’s goals for land use and transportation. Engineering, art, landscaping, signage, and lighting combine to transform Idylwyld Drive into a safer, inviting, sustainable streetscape that connects and blends into adjacent neighbourhoods.
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