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Forest Lawn Lift Station


Calgary, Alberta



Pump Stations

Wastewater Collection & Storage

Associated Engineering was selected to complete the preliminary design, detailed design and carry out construction services to replace the Forest Lawn Lift Station.

As part of the preliminary design services, Associated updated the existing Forest Lawn Sanitary Model to reflect scenarios of future population growth and establish the station’s minimum/maximum dry weather and wet weather flows. The new lift station will operate as a duplex system for its first 25 years and as flow rates increase the station will become a triplex system.

The station includes a below grade wet well and above grade superstructure. The superstructure above the wet well houses the wet well and pump room ventilation equipment, odour control unit and access hatches to the wet well.

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Project Highlights

City of Calgary


The superstructure adjacent to the pump room houses the electrical, instrumentation and controls equipment, standby generator and a washroom. The superstructure building envelope includes an LED wall representing the sewer pipe system upstream of the Forest Lawn lift station. Associated developed the LED wall, working together with a local architect and The City’s Watershed+.


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