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Cold Lake CRISP


Cold Lake, Alberta



Transportation Planning


Indigenous Communities

The Alberta Oil Sands Sustainable Development Secretariat is undertaking the preparation of a series of Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan (CRISPs) for the Province’s Oil Sands Areas.

The CRISPs will establish long-term blueprints for future infrastructure and community development based on anticipated bitumen production rates and associated population growth.  They are a strategic plan for growth and infrastructure and focus on how future population and employment growth will be accommodated as well as future infrastructure needs related to transportation, water and wastewater servicing, schools and health care facilities.

planningAlliance engaged Associated Engineering as the engineering partner to undertake the preparation the Cold Lake Oils Sands CRISP. The study involved undertaking an assessment of current infrastructure, population and employment forecast, and identifying requirements for future growth and upgrading. Associated Engineering’s regional knowledge, experience, and long standing relationships within both public and private sectors proved invaluable for successfully completing the study.

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The scope of work included a broad range of regional infrastructure areas including the movement of goods and people, municipal water and waste treatment utilities, and airport infrastructure. Associated Engineering was also able to draw on its extensive experience gained from working with industry, municipalities, community  groups, First Nations, Métis and the public on similar regional and community-wide planning studies.

The final CRISP included a recommended growth and infrastructure scenario and successfully completed in 2012.


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