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City of Regina Lift Station Condition & Operational Assessment


Regina, Saskatchewan


Strategic Advisory Services

Asset Management


Pump Stations


Wastewater Collection & Storage


Asset Management

The City of Regina maintains nineteen sanitary and thirteen storm water lift stations in their portfolio of utility assets, and required information on the assets within the stations to plan maintenance and capital improvements.

Associated Engineering and ATAP Infrastructure Management Ltd. used an inclusive approach, working with the City, to perform a comprehensive review of the lift stations, inventory assets, and to assess the physical condition and operation of the lift stations.

The team produced operation manuals, maintenance logs, informational and training tools, and operational maintenance plans, and confirmed capacity and condition of assets at each station. State-of-the-art 360° camera technology was used to develop interactive panorama photographs of the lift stations. The asset
data was entered into a user-specific database, developed with input from the City’s engineers, operators, and asset management staff.

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The City of Regina

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Project Highlights

An innovative approach was used to operationalize the information in the database. The data was used directly to determine baseline funding levels as well as prioritisation of maintenance and capital works using social, economic and environmental as well as risk criteria. The developed tools allow the City to proactively manage its utility assets to enhance protection against potential sewer overflows and flooding, protecting the City’s residents and businesses.

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