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Burrard Bridge Rehabilitation (Envision)


Vancouver, British Columbia


Sustainable Management

Created by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system is a tool for engineering professionals involved in planning, designing, building, and maintaining civil infrastructure.

Envision provides guidance on sustainability best practices, and serves as a project planning and design tool. Envision can also be used to evaluate infrastructure projects once complete. Any project considering an Envision award level must have a certified Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) on the project team and involved in the project from the outset. Envision can be used to guide sustainable design, even if you don’t intend to certify your project. We have used the Envision sustainability rating system as an informal framework for project decision-making. We have also conducted a retrospective project assessment of the Burrard Street Bridge Rehabilitation Project for the City of Vancouver.

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Project Highlights

Envision provides an holistic framework for evaluating and rating the community, environmental, and economic benefits of all types and sizes of infrastructure projects. Envision consists of a broad range of criteria that help individuals make better-decisions at each step of their project. These criteria address a project’s impact on the surrounding community and environment, technical considerations regarding materials and processes, and other critical sustainability choices spanning the project’s life-cycle. Envision also provides a framework for discussions with stakeholders on the often-complex choices which communities and their elected officials must make.

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We have been recognized as one of Canada's Best Managed Companies since 2008, but our achievements and reputation are only possible because of our amazing staff. We believe that a supported staff allows them to excel at what they do best, and provide the best possible service to our clients and communities.