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Bobtail Forest Service Road Overpass


Prince George, British Columbia






Traffic Engineering

The full movement Bobtail Forest Service Road with Highway 16 intersection, approximately 50 kilometres west of Prince George, did not have auxiliary turn lanes or acceleration/deceleration lanes for traffic moving between.

The high operating speed on the two-lane Highway 16 (100 km/hr design speed), combined with the slow acceleration of heavily loaded industrial trucks crossing the highway or turning to or from Highway 16, created a safety concern. These challenges were expected to grow with the increasing traffic. The Ministry of Forests and Range considered that intersection improvements, including the construction of an overpass and realignments of sections of Bobtail Forest Service Road to access the proposed overpass, would help mitigate operational safety concerns.

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Project Highlights

Associated Engineering teamed with another consultant to provide engineering services to the Ministry for design of the overpass and intersection improvements. The preliminary design stage involved the investigation of five alternative intersection options all centered around a 48 metre, two lane bridge overpass. Upon approval of the preliminary design, Associated Engineering completed the detailed design of the overpass structure. Given that the bridge crosses the heavily trafficked Highway 16, the design incorporated the use of twin steel box girders and full width precast concrete soffit forms to limit traffic disruptions and facilitate a reduced construction window.

In addition to the bridge design, Associated Engineering also provided all the highway engineering services, utility relocation services, preparation of technical specifications and full-time on-site construction inspection and contract management services.


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