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Beneficial Reuse of Pulp Residuals – Land Application in the Peace River Region


Taylor, British Columbia


Environmental Engineering

Remediation and Reclamation

Wastewater Treatment / Water Resource Recovery

Associated Environmental is the prime consultant for a pulp residual land application program in the Peace River region of BC.

Pulp mills generate a variety of residual streams in the production of forest products that have secondary benefits. One is primary and secondary pulp residuals that generate from wastewater treatment operations. Results of environmental and agronomic testing have shown that these residuals have many beneficial characteristics for agriculture, including high organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus.


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Project Highlights

Associated manages Canfor’s Pulp Residual Land Application Program, including developing the land application prescriptions, coordinating the pulp residual applications with farmers, monitoring soils and crops, ensuring compliance with a Ministry of Environment Waste Management Permit and annual reporting. The pulp mill has had 15 years of success with this program, with over 100 application fields and 45 different farmers.

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