Calgary, Alberta
Environmental Assessment
Wastewater Collection & Storage
As part of the Calgary Southwest Ring Road project, Alberta Transportation needed to construct a new stormwater management trunk sewer within the 37 Street SW right-of-way, south of Lakeview Drive SW with a new outfall to the Glenmore Reservoir / Elbow River, to replace the existing storm trunk that crosses the Tsuut’ina Nation Lands.
To meet Alberta Transportation’s schedule and in collaboration with the City, Associated Engineering as the Prime Consultant, proposed to divide the project into two phases. This approach met Alberta Transportation’s schedule and allowed the City and Associated Engineering to perform their due diligence by conducting the necessary environmental assessments in the park area. These included a biophysical impact assessment and fish habitat assessment.
Project Highlights
Contract 1, the northern portion of the project, comprised 1.4 kilometres of 2400 millimetre diameter trunk sewer from Lakeview Drive to 66 Avenue. Contract 2 spans from 66 Avenue through North Glenmore Park to the Glenmore Reservoir. Contract 2 includes 1.6 kilometres of 2400 millimetre diameter storm trunk sewer, a diversion structure to an offline oil-grit separator, a piled slope stabilization wall to support an unstable slope, an energy dissipation structure, and a new outfall to the Glenmore Reservoir.
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