Breanna Jackson
Transportation Planning Engineer
Breanna has nine years of experience in transportation planning, engineering, analysis, design, and construction. She has experience with various traffic studies including traffic generation and forecasting, performance and capacity analysis, road safety analysis, and transportation impact assessments in both rural and urban contexts. Breanna provides solutions for traffic operations, intersection functionality and conceptual-level designs.
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Mentoring is an important tool to facilitate career growth. Associated has many formal and informal mentoring opportunities. The official mentoring program has paired me with mentors across the company that I wouldn’t normally have an opportunity to connect with. Colleagues provide invaluable guidance with day-to-day technical work and foster a sense of belonging and growth within the company.

Associated has provided an excellent opportunity for my career. I started here after graduating from university and more than seven years has passed. Associated has supported my growth through diverse projects, training opportunities, and helped me transfer offices to join my current team, that has helped me grow my skills as a transportation engineer. I believe in the importance of taking ownership over your career path and having the company’s support has been instrumental in helping me along the way.