Associated at WCW 2022 Annual Conference & Exhibition
September 13, 2022

Associated Engineering is excited to partner as a supporting sponsor and participate in the technical program and tradeshow at the 73rd Annual Western Canada Water Conference and Exhibition taking place in Calgary, AB from September 13th to 16th! With a dozen presenters speaking in all four streams (wastewater, water, strormwater, niche topics), in addition to contributing to other presentations, our water practice is well represented once again. We invite attendees to also visit our ATAP Infrastructure Management team in booth #48 on the exhibition floor, they will be there on September 13th and 14th.
Technical Program:
Wednesday, September 14th
1:30pm | Red Deer Room
Upgrading the City of Calgary Bearspaw Water Treatment Plant Stage 1 Filters ‐ Uncovering 50 Years of Change
Co-presenter: Anne Bridgman
1:30pm | Calgary Room
If you’re not doing Continuous Asset Management, you're not doing Asset Management
Presenter: Melanie Richmond
Thursday, September 15th
9:00am | Regina Room
GIS Integrated SWMM Modelling - A Case Study in Lethbridge
Presenter: Andrew Rushworth
10:00am | Calgary Room
Achieving Envision Certification for the City of Red Deer Residuals Management Facility
Presenter: Jeff Huber
1:30pm | Lethbridge Room
Let it go, let it go ‐ can't hold back lagoon storage any more!
Presenter: Dörte Köster
1:30pm | Red Deer Room
Optimization as a Key Component of Capital Planning - City of Calgary Experience
Presenter: Sutha Suthaker
2:00pm | Calgary Room
The City of Calgary's Accelerated Procurement Approach to Maximize Funding from Alberta's Municipal Stimulus Program
Presenter: Craig Pass
2:30pm | Calgary Room
Customer‐Centric Service Delivery
Presenter: Shane Thompson
4:00pm | Lethbridge Room
Post‐Lagoon Attached Growth Processes in Cold Climates
Presenter: Rony Das
Friday, September 16th
10:00am | Red Deer Room
Realizing Water Reclamation: Global Adoption Leaders and Trends in Western Canada
Co-presenters: Soubhagya Pattanayak, Roya Pishgar
11:30am | Regina Room
Water Utilities and Citizen Science Approaches to Taste and Odour Events - Recent Learnings
Presenter: Klas Ohman