Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
In preparing plans for main streets and downtowns, and working to implement them, our interdisciplinary team has found that vibrant cities and towns recognize that downtown is the heart of their communities, and that a community is only as strong as its core. A balanced public/private commitment is necessary to revitalizing and strengthening the main street or downtown economy – it is about design and economics.
Successful endevours define a course of action based on collaboration, they define a clear and realistic implementation plan, and they aggressively carry out those efforts. Heritage and identity, visibility, and reputation are critical to how a street, precinct, or neighbourhood is perceived and performs, because high value activities and assets (talent, capital, firms, visitors, and events) are increasingly mobile and exercise locational choices and preferences.
With our experience and expertise, we develop specialized and cost-effective processes for everyone from small towns to mid- and large-sized cities, to differentiate a place for economic competitiveness by creating a destination, designing a practical and efficient implementation program, and developing an effective engagement and communications plan.
Key Downtown and Main Street Revitalization Projects
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Community Engagement
Town of Beaumont Urban Design Plan

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Town of Sylvan Lake Waterfront Area Redevelopment Plan

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Jasper Avenue New Vision Streetscaping

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
City of Lacombe Downtown Area Redevelopment and Urban Design Plan

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
West Rossdale Redevelopment

Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Rocky Mountain House Main Street Reconstruction

Project Map
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Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Strategic Advisory Services
Active Transportation
Active Transportation
Active Transportation
Asset Management
Asset Management
Asset Management
Asset Management
Asset Management
Bridge Asset Management & Inspection
Bridge Asset Management & Inspection
Bridge Rehabilitation & Retrofit
Bridge Rehabilitation & Retrofit
Building Mechanical
Building Mechanical
Building Mechanical
Building Structures
Building Structures
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate Scenarios and Analysis
Climate Science
Climate Science
Community Engagement
Community Resilience
Community Resilience
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis
Container & Intermodal Facilities
Container & Intermodal Facilities
Containment Systems
Contaminated Sites Management
De-centralized Energy
District Energy
Downtown and Main Street Revitalization
Economic Development
Electrical Instrumentation & Controls
Electrical Instrumentation & Controls
Electrical Instrumentation & Controls
Energy Efficiency
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Assessment
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Planning
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Fish, Wildlife & Ecosystems
Indigenous Communities
Indigenous Communities
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Information Systems & GIS
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Land Development
Land Use & Community Planning
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
Parks & Recreation
Pedestrian Bridges
Pedestrian Bridges
Pump Stations
Pump Stations
Pump Stations
Quality Management
Real Estate Development
Regulatory Authorizations
Regulatory Authorizations
Regulatory Authorizations
Regulatory Authorizations
Regulatory Authorizations
Regulatory Authorizations
Remediation and Reclamation
Remote & Resource Bridges
Remote & Resource Bridges
Renewable Energy
Seismic Evaluation & Retrofitting
Seismic Evaluation & Retrofitting
Soil Bioengineering
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Design
Sustainable Management
Sustainable Management
Sustainable Management
Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineering
Transit-Oriented Development
Transportation Planning
Transportation Planning
Trenchless Technologies
Urban Design
Urban Drainage
Wastewater Collection & Storage
Wastewater Collection & Storage
Wastewater Treatment / Water Resource Recovery
Wastewater Treatment / Water Resource Recovery
Water & Earth Sciences
Water & Earth Sciences
Water & Earth Sciences
Water Resources
Water Resources
Water Supply, Storage, & Distribution
Water Supply, Storage, & Distribution
Water Treatment
Water Treatment
Weather Monitoring, Observational Data Products and Services