Edmonton’s Blatchford District Energy project wins prestigious international award
August 9, 2023
Owen Mierke
Jermyn Wong

We're elated to share the news that our Blatchford Neighbourhood District Energy System - Phase 1 project has been named as one of the 30 Award of Merit recipients at the FIDIC Project Awards 2023!
FIDIC is an International Federation of Consulting Organizations, of which the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies Canada (ACEC) is a member. Blatchford has received awards regionally through the Consulting Engineers of Alberta, nationally through ACEC Canada, and now internationally through FIDIC. The award will be presented on September 12, 2023 during FIDIC’s Global Infrastructure Conference in Singapore. Among the 30 Awards of Merit, 16 of them will also receive an Award of Excellence - whether our project is one of these 16 will be revealed at the gala on September 12th.
Congratulations to the many project team members from across the company, and in particular team leads, Owen Mierke and Ruben Arellano. Well done, all!!