Shaping our Shared Future – Stan Torgunrud
July 11, 2022

In 2013, Stan Torgunrud, a Civil Engineer in our Regina office, responded to a call for volunteers for an engineering assignment in Rwanda for the non-profit organization Water For People. The assignment was part of the Rulindo Challenge, an initiative by the Rwandan government, local leaders and Water For People to bring full water coverage to the Rulindo district. Collaborating with the local project team was an exciting and memorable experience for Stan. Although the assignment had limited scope, it gave Stan a glimpse of a successful district-wide model for bringing safe water and sanitation to communities.
At the time, Stan didn’t expect this call to action to lead to years of involvement with the organization back in Canada. After returning to Regina, Stan continued volunteering for Water For People Canada, organizing fundraisers including curling bonspiels, bowling nights, and silent auctions. Since 2014, Stan has served on the Board of Directors of Water For People Canada including a term as Treasurer from 2015 through 2021. During this period, Water For People Canada has supported water and sanitation projects in Bolivia and Peru. Today, Water For People Canada is shifting its focus to the water crisis that impacts many of Canada’s Indigenous communities.
Water and sanitation are also central to Stan’s professional focus. As a Project Manager in our Regina office’s Water Division, Stan works with First Nations, municipalities, and private clients to develop water and wastewater treatment solutions that best benefit the community and the organization.

Outside work, Stan enjoys keeping active playing tennis, running, cycling, and skiing, with his wife and two children. He looks forward to plenty of camping and travelling when the kids are a wee bit older!