Shaping our Shared Future – Ashley Hodgson
July 11, 2023

Ashley Hodgson is a Structural Engineer in our Saskatoon office. She leads the structural team on many multi-disciplinary building projects across the province, including water, wastewater, agriculture, and landfill projects.
Since 2019, Ashley has sat on the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) Investigation Committee. She was recently appointed Vice Chair of the committee for a two-year term. Ashley's role on the committee includes reviewing complaints brought forward by other association members, as well as from the public. The committee comprises 13 engineers and geoscientists who specialize in different disciplines
Over the past few years, the number and severity of structural investigation cases that the committee reviews has increased significantly, resulting in the need for more structural specialists on the committee. Ashley provides the committee with structural context on cases and asks valuable questions during the interview process. Her involvement on the committee has shown Ashley the importance of self-regulation in our industry, as well as the tremendous value provided by Associated Engineering's quality management process.
As well, Ashley was previously involved for ten years with the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Saskatoon Chapter and served on the planning committee for the 2020 CSCE Conference held in Saskatoon.

Outside of work, Ashley enjoys spending time with her family and hopes her contributions will help shape a better future for her daughter and our communities.