Continued excellence in Saskatchewan recognized with two awards
November 22, 2021

Last week, the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies Saskatchewan (ACEC-SK) hosted their annual Brian Eckel Awards to recognize project excellence and individual achievements by members companies in consulting engineering and geoscience in the province. We're pleased to share that ACEC-SK presented Associated Engineering with an Award of Merit in Project Management for the Wanuskewin Heritage Park Bison Facilities project, completed for our client, the Wanuskewin Hertitage Park Authority. Accepting the award were Darrell Rinas and Doug Thomson.
Watch the video shown during the awards gala, here.

Wanuskewin Heritage Park has become a world-renowned center to research, honour and educate others about the Indigenous tribes of the Northern Plains. In 2017, Associated Engineering was contracted to manage a project that would return a resident bison herd to Wanuskewin, starting with construction of facilities to manage and care for the animals. This project involved a cultural journey for our team as we participated in awareness activities set out by Wanuskewin and their elders. The success of this initiative highlights the unique collaborative effort that became a shared vision, echoing Indigenous collaborations of centuries past.
Earlier this fall, the same project won a 2021 National Trust Award.

Also, the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways awarded Associated Engineering with the 2021 Consultant of the Year Award! Accepting on behalf of the company was Paul Pinder (3rd from left), and Ian Farthing (2nd from left).